Our website: https://kirkegaard-woodshop.dk.

Personal sensitive data

When you send an e-mail to Kirkegaard Woodshop, Kornmarken 1, 7190 Billund, you may be aware of, that your mail-address contains personal sensitive information.

We keep the address safe in order to answer your mail. Your information will not be passed on to a third party. All your sensitive data will be deleted, when we no longer need to contact you.

Your rights

You may read more about your rights at www.datatilsynet.dk, and this website is also the place you send your complain to, if you feel your data has been misused.

Use of cookies

When you visit Kirkegaard Woodshop homepage, you will automatic receive one or more cookies. If you do not want that, you may open this link http://minecookies.org/cookiehandteringand you will be guided – in part or full – to avoid cookies and delete the cookies on your hard disc.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small Data File, hidden on your computer to keep track of what happens during your visit and in order to recognize the computer. A cookie is not a program and do not contain virus.

The lifetime of a cookie will vary, depending on the suppliers programming. Some cookies disappear when the browser is closed. Others may run for several years. Typically cookies related to ads, statistic and content purposes are set to run for 12 or 24 months. Please note that the lifespan is extended after every visit to the website. As an example the cookies are kept on your computer 24 months after your last visit to the site.

How to avoid cookies?

If you want to avoid cookies you may block all cookies, delete existing cookies from your hard disc or receive a warning before saving a cookie. You will find instruction as how to set your browser here: http://minecookies.org/cookiehandtering

We would point out, that the link applies to most common used browsers, but not all. The key -F1- on your computer will guide you with more information. Press F1 and look for “cookies”.

How to delete cookies?

Cookies you already have accepted may easily be deleted. If your PC has a fairly new browser you may find that the keys CTRL + SHIFT + Delete will delete the cookies.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies in order to give our customers a good experience and to determine whether they find the information they are seeking. In that way we have an opportunity to make sure our website meets our customers interests and wishes.

Cookies also show us the cost-benefit of different on-line marketing activities as well as supplying you with goal-oriented ads, when you visit other commercial sites.